Source code for uranography.spheremap

"""Base classes for sky maps made using bokeh.

import re
import time
import uuid
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from import Iterable
from copy import deepcopy
from warnings import warn

import astropy.units as u
import astropy.visualization
import bokeh
import bokeh.plotting
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import panel as pn
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation, SkyCoord
from astropy.time import Time
from IPython.display import display

    import healsparse
except ModuleNotFoundError:

from .readjs import read_javascript

ProjSliders = namedtuple("ProjSliders", ["alt", "az", "mjd"])

# Angles of excactly 90 degrees result in edge conditions, e.g.
# horizon circles with gaps depending on how trig is rounded.
# Define an "almost 90" to get consistent behaviour.
ALMOST_90 = np.degrees(np.arccos(2 * np.finfo(float).resolution))  # pylint: disable=E1101

[docs] class SphereMap: """Base for maps of the sphere. Parameters ---------- plot : `bokeh.plotting._figure.figure`, optional Figure to which to add the map, by default None mjd : `float`, optional The Modified Julian Date location: `EarthLocation` or `str`, optional The location of the observatory, defaults to lsst. """ alt_limit = 0 transform_js_fnames = ("coord_utils.js", "hp.js") transform_js_call = "return hpTransform()" update_js_fnames = ("coord_utils.js", "hp.js") update_js_command = "updateHpData()" max_star_glyph_size = 15 proj_slider_keys = ["mjd"] default_title = "" x_col = "x_hp" y_col = "y_hp" default_graticule_line_kwargs = {"color": "darkgray", "name": "graticule_glyph"} default_ecliptic_line_kwargs = {"color": "green", "name": "ecliptic_glyph"} default_galactic_plane_line_kwargs = { "color": "blue", "name": "galactic_plane_glyph", } default_horizon_line_kwargs = { "color": "black", "line_width": 6, "name": "horizon_glyph", } def __init__(self, plot=None, mjd=None, location="Cerro Pachon"): self.mjd = if mjd is None else mjd if isinstance(location, EarthLocation): self.location = location else: self.location = EarthLocation.of_site(location) if plot is None: self.plot = bokeh.plotting.figure( frame_width=512, frame_height=512, match_aspect=True, title=self.default_title, ) else: self.plot = plot self._viewable = None self._figure = None self._hpix_cmap = None self.notebook_handle = None self.star_data = None self.plot.axis.visible = False self.plot.grid.visible = False self.visible_slider_names = [] self.update_functions = [] self.force_update_time = bokeh.models.Div(text=str(time.time_ns()), name="update_time", visible=False) self.add_sliders() @property def healpix_data(self): """The healpix data source (deprecated!)""" warn('Use"hpix_ds") instead', DeprecationWarning) data_source ="hpix_ds") return data_source @property def healpix_renderer(self): """The healpix renderers (deprecated!)""" warn('Use"hpix_renderer") instead', DeprecationWarning) renderer ="hpix_renderer") return renderer @property def healpix_glyph(self): """The healpix data source (deprecated!)""" warn( 'Use"hpix_renderer").glyph instead', DeprecationWarning, ) renderers ="hpix_renderer") try: glyph = renderers.glyph except AttributeError: glyph = [r.glyph for r in renderers] return glyph @property def star_data_source(self): """Return the star data source (deprecated).""" warn( 'Use"bright_star_ds") instead', DeprecationWarning, ) star_data ="bright_star_ds") return star_data @property def healpix_cmap(self): """Return the bokeh color map dict used for bokeh.""" cmap_transform ="hpix_color_transform") if len(cmap_transform) == 0 and self._hpix_cmap is not None: cmap = self._hpix_cmap else: cmap = {"field": "value", "transform": cmap_transform[0]} return cmap @property def figure(self): """Return the bokeh figure for the map. Returns ------- figure : `bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM` A viewable bokeh figure. """ if self._figure is None: shown_sliders = [self.sliders[sn] for sn in self.visible_slider_names] self._figure = bokeh.layouts.column(self.force_update_time, self.plot, *shown_sliders) return self._figure @property def viewable(self): """A panel viewable that shows the figure.""" if self._viewable is None: self._viewable = pn.Row(self.figure) return self._viewable
[docs] def update(self, viewable=None): """Trigger the javascript update callback. Parameters ========== viewable : `panel.viewable.Viewable` If not None, push the notebook to the frontend set by the viewable. Defaults to self.viewable """ self.force_update_time.text = str(time.time_ns()) if viewable is None: viewable = self._viewable if viewable is not None:
@property def lst(self): """Return the Local Sidereal Time.""" lst = Time(self.mjd, format="mjd", location=self.location).sidereal_time("mean").deg return lst @lst.setter def lst(self, value): """Modify the MJD to match the LST, keeping the same (UT) day.""" mjd_start = np.floor(self.mjd) lst_start = Time(mjd_start, format="mjd", location=self.location).sidereal_time("mean").deg self.mjd = mjd_start + ((value - lst_start) % 360) / 360.9856405809225 @property def update_js(self): """Return javascript code to update the plots. Returns ------- js_code : `str` Javascript code to update the bokeh model. """ js_code = "\n".join(read_javascript(fn) for fn in self.update_js_fnames) js_code = "\n".join([js_code, self.update_js_command, "data_source.change.emit()"]) return js_code
[docs] def proj_transform(self, proj_coord, data_source=None, column_name=None): """Return a bokeh projection transformer. Parameters ---------- proj_coord : `str` 'x' or 'y', the projection coodinate to compute data_source : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` The data source to project. Must have either 'ra' and 'decl' columns, or 'alt' and 'az'. All in degrees. Defaults to None, in which case the transform takes a column of ra, decl pairs. column_name : `str` The name of the column with ra, decl pairs. If None, columns with 'ra' and 'decl' or 'alt' and 'az' names instead. Defaults to None. Returns ------- transform : `dict` With keys `field` and `transform`, suitable for passing to bokeh plotting functions. """ try: mjd_slider = self.sliders["mjd"] except KeyError: mjd_slider = {"value": self.mjd} try: center_alt_slider = self.sliders["alt"] except KeyError: center_alt_slider = {"value": 90} try: center_az_slider = self.sliders["az"] except KeyError: center_az_slider = {"value": 0} js_code = "\n".join(read_javascript(fn) for fn in self.transform_js_fnames) js_code = "\n".join([js_code, self.transform_js_call]) js_transform = bokeh.models.CustomJSTransform( args=dict( data_source=data_source, center_alt_slider=center_alt_slider, center_az_slider=center_az_slider, mjd_slider=mjd_slider,, lon=self.location.lon.deg, proj_coord=proj_coord, ), v_func=js_code, ) if column_name is None: for column_name in ("ra", "alt"): if column_name in break coord_transform = bokeh.transform.transform(column_name, js_transform) return coord_transform
[docs] def x_transform(self, column_name): """Return a bokeh projection transformer for x Parameters ---------- column_name : `str` The name of the column with ra, decl pairs Returns ------- transform : `dict` With keys `field` and `transform`, suitable for passing to bokeh plotting functions. """ coord_transform = self.proj_transform("x", column_name=column_name) return coord_transform
[docs] def y_transform(self, column_name): """Return a bokeh projection transformer for y Parameters ---------- column_name : `str` The name of the column with ra, decl pairs Returns ------- transform : `dict` With keys `field` and `transform`, suitable for passing to bokeh plotting functions. """ coord_transform = self.proj_transform("y", column_name=column_name) return coord_transform
[docs] def eq_to_horizon(self, ra, decl, degrees=True, cart=True): # pylint: disable=C0103 """Convert equatorial to horizon coordinates Parameters ---------- ra : `numpy.ndarray` Values for Right Ascension decl : `numpy.ndarray` Values for declination degrees : bool, optional Values are in degrees (if False, values are in radians), by default True cart : bool, optional Return cartesion coordinates rather than alt, az, by default True Returns ------- coords : `list` [`np.ndarray`] Either alt, az (if cart=False) with az measured east of north, or x, y with +x pointing west and +y pointing north Azimuth is east of north """ if isinstance(ra, pd.Series): ra = ra.values if isinstance(decl, pd.Series): decl = decl.values angle_unit = u.deg if degrees else u.rad eq_coords = SkyCoord(ra=ra * angle_unit, dec=decl * angle_unit, frame="icrs") obs_time = Time(self.mjd, format="mjd", scale="utc") horizon_frame = astropy.coordinates.AltAz(obstime=obs_time, location=self.location) horizon_coords = eq_coords.transform_to(horizon_frame) if cart: zd = np.pi / 2 - horizon_coords.alt.rad # pylint: disable=C0103 x = -zd * np.sin( # pylint: disable=C0103 y = zd * np.cos( # pylint: disable=C0103 invisible = horizon_coords.alt.deg < self.alt_limit x[invisible] = np.nan y[invisible] = np.nan return x, y if degrees: alt = horizon_coords.alt.deg az = # pylint: disable=C0103 return alt, az else: alt = horizon_coords.alt.rad az = # pylint: disable=C0103 return alt, az
[docs] def make_healpix_data_source(self, hpvalues, nside=32, bound_step=1, nest=False, name="hpix_ds"): """Make a data source of healpix values, corners, and projected coords. Parameters ---------- hpvalues : `numpy.ndarray` or `healsparse.HealSparseMap` Healpixel values (RING pixel ordering unless a HealSparseMap is provided.) nside : int, optional healpixel nside for display, by default 32 bound_step : int, optional number of boundary points for each side of each healpixel, by default 1 nest : `bool`, optionol Is the healpix array provided in NEST ordering? Defaults to False. (if hpvalues is a HealSparseMap, nest is always True) name : `str`, option The bokeh name for the data source model, defaults to `hpix_ds` Returns ------- hpix_datasource : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` Data source for healpixel values and bounds. """ try: # If this doesn't throw an exception, we # were passed an instance of healsparse. if nside < hpvalues.nside_sparse: values = hpvalues.degrade(nside) else: values = hpvalues hpids = values.valid_pixels finite_values = values[hpids] nside = values.nside_sparse nest = True except AttributeError: order = "NEST" if nest else "RING" values = np.copy(hpvalues) try: values[np.isnan(values)] = hp.UNSEEN except TypeError: # If isnan fails, value must have been of a type without # nans, so we don't need to do anything. pass values = hp.ud_grade(hpvalues, nside, order_in=order, order_out=order) values[values == hp.UNSEEN] = np.nan hpids = np.isfinite(values).nonzero()[0] finite_values = values[hpids] npix = len(hpids) npts = npix * 4 * bound_step hpix_bounds_vec = hp.boundaries(nside, hpids, bound_step, nest=nest) # Rearrange the axes to match what is used by hp.vec2ang hpix_bounds_vec_long = np.moveaxis(hpix_bounds_vec, 1, 2).reshape((npts, 3)) ra, decl = hp.vec2ang(hpix_bounds_vec_long, lonlat=True) # pylint: disable=C0103 center_ra, center_decl = hp.pix2ang(nside, hpids, nest=nest, lonlat=True) # in hpix_bounds, each row corresponds to a healpixels, and columns # contain lists where elements of the lists correspond to corners. hpix = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource( { "hpid": hpids, "value": finite_values, "center_ra": center_ra.tolist(), "center_decl": center_decl.tolist(), "x_hp": hpix_bounds_vec[:, 0, :].tolist(), "y_hp": hpix_bounds_vec[:, 1, :].tolist(), "z_hp": hpix_bounds_vec[:, 2, :].tolist(), "ra": ra.reshape(npix, 4 * bound_step).tolist(), "decl": decl.reshape(npix, 4 * bound_step).tolist(), }, name=name, ) # adding the projection column must come before # adding the callback (done by _finish_data_source), # or the callback to update the healpix corners # will not be created. self._add_projection_columns(hpix, nside) self.connect_controls(hpix) return hpix
def _add_zero_projection_columns(self, hpix): """Add columns of sets of dummy coords to hold projection values.""" num_healpix = len(["ra"]) points_per_healpix = len(["ra"][0]) zero_coord = [[0.0] * points_per_healpix] * num_healpix for column in self.x_col, self.y_col: if column not in hpix.add(deepcopy(zero_coord), name=column) hpix.add(deepcopy(zero_coord), name="z_orth") return hpix def _add_projection_columns(self, hpix, nside, projector=None): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Add columns with projection values.""" if projector is None: return self._add_zero_projection_columns(hpix) coord_cols = ["x_hp", "y_hp", "z_hp"] n_hpix = len(["ra"]) corners_per_hpix = len(["ra"][0]) corners = hpix.to_df().loc[:, ["hpid"] + coord_cols].explode(column=coord_cols, ignore_index=True) assert len(corners) == n_hpix * corners_per_hpix x, y = projector.vec2xy( # pylint: disable=C0103 corners.x_hp.astype(float), corners.y_hp.astype(float), corners.z_hp.astype(float), ) hpix.add(x.reshape(n_hpix, corners_per_hpix).tolist(), name=self.x_col) hpix.add(y.reshape(n_hpix, corners_per_hpix).tolist(), name=self.y_col) return hpix def _make_graticule_points( self, min_decl=-80, max_decl=80, decl_space=20, min_ra=0, max_ra=360, ra_space=30, step=1, name="eq_graticule_ds", ): """Create points that define graticules Parameters ---------- min_decl : int, optional Decl. of minimum R.A. graticule and ends of declination graticules (deg), by default -80 max_decl : int, optional Decl. of maximum R.A. graticulas and ends of declination graticules (deg), by default 80 decl_space : int, optional Spacing of decl. graticules (deg), by default 20 min_ra : int, optional R.A. of first R.A. graticule (deg), by default 0 max_ra : int, optional R.A. of last R.A. graticule (deg), by default 360 ra_space : int, optional Spacing of R.A. graticules (deg), by default 30 step : int, optional Spacing of points along graticules, by default 1 name : `str` Name for the bokeh model, defaults to eq_graticule_ds. Returns ------- graticule_points : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` Bokeh data sources defining points in graticules. """ # Bohek puts gaps in lines when there are NaNs in the # data frame. We will be platting many graticules, and we do not # want them connected, so define a "stop" element to separate # different graticules. stop_df = pd.DataFrame( { "decl": [np.nan], "ra": [np.nan], "grat": None, } ) graticule_list = [] # Define points in each declination graticule for decl in np.arange(min_decl, max_decl + decl_space, decl_space): ra_steps = np.arange(0, 360 + step) this_graticule = pd.DataFrame( { "grat": f"decl{decl}", "decl": decl, "ra": ra_steps, } ) graticule_list.append(this_graticule) graticule_list.append(stop_df) # Define points in each R.A. graticule for ra in np.arange(min_ra, max_ra + step, ra_space): # pylint: disable=C0103 decl_steps = np.arange(min_decl, max_decl + step, step) this_graticule = pd.DataFrame( { "grat": f"ra{ra}", "decl": decl_steps, "ra": ra, } ) graticule_list.append(this_graticule) graticule_list.append(stop_df) graticule_points = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(pd.concat(graticule_list), name=name) self.connect_controls(graticule_points) return graticule_points def _make_horizon_graticule_points( self, min_alt=0, max_alt=80, alt_space=20, min_az=0, max_az=360, az_space=30, step=1, name="hz_gratidule_ds", ): """Create points that define graticules Parameters ---------- min_alt : int, optional Alt. of minimum az graticule and ends of alt graticules (deg), by default 0 max_alt : int, optional Alt. of maximum az graticulas and ends of alt graticules (deg), by default 80 alt_space : int, optional Spacing of alt. graticules (deg), by default 20 min_az : int, optional Az of first azimuth graticule (deg), by default 0 max_ra : int, optional Az of last azimuth graticule (deg), by default 360 az_space : int, optional Spacing of azimuth graticules (deg), by default 30 step : int, optional Spacing of points along graticules, by default 1 Returns ------- graticule_points : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` Bokeh data sources defining points in graticules. """ # Bohek puts gaps in lines when there are NaNs in the # data frame. We will be platting many graticules, and we do not # want them connected, so define a "stop" element to separate # different graticules. stop_df = pd.DataFrame( { "decl": [np.nan], "ra": [np.nan], "alt": [np.nan], "az": [np.nan], "grat": None, } ) graticule_list = [] # Define points in each alt graticule for alt in np.arange(min_alt, max_alt + alt_space, alt_space): radius = 90 - alt start_bear = 0 end_bear = 360 + step this_graticule = pd.DataFrame( self._make_horizon_circle_points(90, 0, radius, start_bear, end_bear, step).data ) this_graticule["grat"] = f"Alt{alt}" graticule_list.append(this_graticule) graticule_list.append(stop_df) for az in np.arange(min_az, max_az + step, az_space): # pylint: disable=C0103 radius = 90 this_graticule = pd.DataFrame( self._make_horizon_circle_points(0, az + 90, radius, 0, 360 + step, step).data ) this_graticule.query( f"(alt > {min_alt}) and (alt <= {max_alt}) and (abs(az-{az}) < 1)", inplace=True, ) this_graticule.sort_values(by="alt", inplace=True) this_graticule["grat"] = f"Az{az}" graticule_list.append(this_graticule) graticule_list.append(stop_df) graticule_points = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(pd.concat(graticule_list), name=name) self.connect_controls(graticule_points) return graticule_points def _make_circle_points( self, center_ra, center_decl, radius=90.0, start_bear=0, end_bear=360, step=1, name="circle", ): """Create points along a circle or arc on a sphere Parameters ---------- center_ra : `float` R.A. of the center of the circle (deg.). center_decl : `float` Decl. of the center of the circle (deg.). radius : float, optional Radius of the circle (deg.), by default 90.0 start_bear : int, optional Bearing (E. of N.) of the start of the circle (deg.), by default 0 end_bear : int, optional Bearing (E. of N.) of the end of the circle (deg.), by default 360 step : int, optional Spacing of the points along the circle (deg.), by default 1 name : `str`, optional Name for the bokeh model Returns ------- circle : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` Bokeh data source for points in the circle. """ ras = [] decls = [] bearing_angles = np.arange(start_bear, end_bear + step, step) * u.deg center_coords = SkyCoord(center_ra * u.deg, center_decl * u.deg) circle_coords = center_coords.directional_offset_by(bearing_angles, radius * u.deg) bearings = bearing_angles.value.tolist() ras = circle_coords.ra.deg.tolist() decls = circle_coords.dec.deg.tolist() circle = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource( data={ "bearing": bearings, "ra": ras, "decl": decls, }, name=name, ) self.connect_controls(circle) return circle def _make_horizon_circle_points( self, alt=ALMOST_90, az=0, # pylint: disable=C0103 radius=90.0, start_bear=0, end_bear=360, step=1, name="horizon_ds", ): """Define points in a circle with the center defined in horizon coords. Parameters ---------- alt : `float` Altitude of circle center, by default 90. az : `float` Azimuth of circle center, by default 0. radius : `float`, optional Radius of the circle (deg.), by default 90.0 start_bear : int, optional Bearing of the start of the circle (deg.), by default 0 end_bear : int, optional Bearing of the end of the circle (deg.), by default 360 step : int, optional Spacing of points along the circle., by default 1 name : str, optional Name for the bokeh model. Returns ------- circle : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` Bokeh data source with points along the circle. """ center = SkyCoord( alt=alt * u.deg, az=az * u.deg, obstime=astropy.time.Time(self.mjd, format="mjd", scale="utc"), location=self.location, frame="altaz", ).transform_to(astropy.coordinates.ICRS) center_ra = center.ra.deg center_decl = center.dec.deg eq_circle_points = self._make_circle_points( center_ra, center_decl, radius, start_bear, end_bear, step ) ra = np.array(["ra"]) # pylint: disable=C0103 decl = np.array(["decl"]) alt, az = self.eq_to_horizon(ra, decl, degrees=True, cart=False) circle_data = dict( circle_data["alt"] = alt.tolist() circle_data["az"] = az.tolist() circle = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(data=circle_data, name=name) return circle def _make_points(self, points_data, ds_name="points_ds"): """Create a bokeh data source with locations of points on a sphere. Parameters ---------- points_data : `Iterable` , `dict` , or `pandas.DataFrame` A source of data (to be passed to `pandas.DataFrame`) Must contain the following columns or keys: ``"ra"`` The Right Ascension in degrees. ``"decl"`` The declination in degrees. ds_name : `str`, optional Name for the bokeh model, defaults to points_ds Returns ------- point : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` A data source with point locations, including projected coords. """ points_df = pd.DataFrame(points_data) try: name = points_df["name"] except KeyError: name = [str(uuid.uuid4())] * len(points_df) try: glyph_size = points_df["glyph_size"] except KeyError: glyph_size = [10] * len(points_df) data = { "name": name, "ra": points_df.ra.tolist(), "decl": points_df.decl.tolist(), "glyph_size": glyph_size, } # Add any additional data provided for column_name in points_df.columns: if column_name not in data: data[column_name] = points_df[column_name].to_list() points = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(data=data, name=ds_name) self.connect_controls(points) return points def _make_marker_data_source( self, ra=None, # pylint: disable=C0103 decl=None, name="anonymous", glyph_size=5, min_mjd=None, max_mjd=None, ds_name="marker_ds", ): """Add one or more circular marker(s) to the map. Parameters ---------- ra : `float` or `Iterable`, optional R.A. of the marker (deg.), by default None decl : `float` or `Iterable`, optional Declination of the marker (deg.), by default None name : `str` or `Iterable` , optional Name for the thing marked, by default "anonymous" glyph_size : `int` or `Iterable`, optional Size of the marker, by default 5 min_mjd : `float` Earlist time for which to show the marker max_mjd : `float` Latest time for which to show the marker ds_name : `str`, optional Name for the bokeh data source, defaults to marker_ds. Returns ------- data_source : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` A data source with marker locations, including projected coords. """ ras = ra if isinstance(ra, Iterable) else [ra] decls = decl if isinstance(decl, Iterable) else [decl] if len(ras) > 0: glyph_sizes = glyph_size if isinstance(glyph_size, Iterable) else [glyph_size] * len(ras) names = [name] * len(ras) if isinstance(name, str) else name else: glyph_sizes = np.array([]) names = np.array([]) data = { "ra": ras, "decl": decls, "name": names, "glyph_size": glyph_sizes, } if (min_mjd is not None) or (max_mjd is not None): if len(ras) == 0: data["in_mjd_window"] = np.array([]) else: data["in_mjd_window"] = [1] * len(ras) if min_mjd is not None: if not isinstance(min_mjd, Iterable): min_mjd = [min_mjd] if len(ras) < 1: min_mjd = np.array([]) data["min_mjd"] = min_mjd for marker_index, this_min_mjd in enumerate(min_mjd): if self.mjd < this_min_mjd: data["in_mjd_window"][marker_index] = 0 if max_mjd is not None: if not isinstance(max_mjd, Iterable): max_mjd = [max_mjd] if len(ras) < 1: max_mjd = np.array([]) data["max_mjd"] = max_mjd for marker_index, this_max_mjd in enumerate(max_mjd): if self.mjd > this_max_mjd: data["in_mjd_window"][marker_index] = 0 data_source = self._make_points(data, ds_name=ds_name) self.connect_controls(data_source) return data_source
[docs] def add_sliders(self): """Add (already defined) sliders to the map.""" # In this, the base class, there are no sliders # to add, so just initialize the dictionary. self.sliders = OrderedDict()
[docs] def add_mjd_slider(self): """Add a slider to control the MJD.""" if "mjd" not in self.sliders: self.sliders["mjd"] = bokeh.models.Slider( start=self.mjd - 1, end=self.mjd + 1, value=self.mjd, step=0.25 / (24 * 12), title="MJD", name="mjd_slider", ) self.visible_slider_names.append("mjd")
[docs] def add_date_time_sliders(self): """Add sliders for the date and time.""" if "mjd" not in self.sliders: raise ValueError("You must add the mjd slider before the date and time sliders.") if "night_date" in self.sliders or "hour_minute" in self.sliders: warn("Date and time sliders already added. Skipping.") return self.sliders["night_date"] = bokeh.models.DateSlider( start=Time(np.floor(self.sliders["mjd"].start), format="mjd").datetime, end=Time(np.ceil(self.sliders["mjd"].end) - 1, format="mjd").datetime, value=Time(self.sliders["mjd"].value, format="mjd").datetime, name="night_date_slider", step=1, format="%Y-%m-%d", title="Date (UTC)", ) hour_minute_formatter = bokeh.models.CustomJSTickFormatter( code=""" if (tick >= 0) { const hour = Math.floor(tick) const minute = Math.floor(60*(tick-hour)) return String(hour).padStart(2, "0") + ":" + String(minute).padStart(2, "0") } else { const neg_tick = -1 * tick const hour = Math.floor(neg_tick) const minute = Math.floor(60*(neg_tick-hour)) return "-" + String(hour).padStart(2, "0") + ":" + String(minute).padStart(2, "0") } """ ) self.sliders["hour"] = bokeh.models.Slider( start=0.0, end=23.75, value=(self.sliders["mjd"].value * 24) % 24, name="hour", step=0.25, format=hour_minute_formatter, title="Time (UTC)", ) # When the date or hour sliders are moved, # adjust the MJD slider to match match_mjd_to_date_and_hour_callback = bokeh.models.CustomJS( args=dict( night_date=self.sliders["night_date"], hour=self.sliders["hour"], mjd_slider=self.sliders["mjd"], ), code=""" const time_part = mjd_slider.value % 1 const new_mjd = 40587 + Math.round(night_date.value/86400000) + hour.value/24.0 // Only update if there is a significant change to avoid looping callbacks if (Math.abs(new_mjd - mjd_slider.value) >= 1./(24*60)) { mjd_slider.value = 40587 + Math.round(night_date.value/86400000) + hour.value/24.0 } """, ) self.sliders["night_date"].js_on_change("value", match_mjd_to_date_and_hour_callback) self.sliders["hour"].js_on_change("value", match_mjd_to_date_and_hour_callback) # When the mjd slider is moved, # adjust the date and hour sliders to match match_night_and_hour_to_mjd_callback = bokeh.models.CustomJS( args=dict( night_date=self.sliders["night_date"], hour=self.sliders["hour"], mjd_slider=self.sliders["mjd"], ), code=""" const date_part = Math.floor(mjd_slider.value) const new_night_date = (date_part - 40587)*86400000 const new_hour = (mjd_slider.value - date_part) * 24 // Only update if there is a significant change if (Math.abs(night_date.value - new_night_date) >= 1) { night_date.value = (date_part - 40587)*86400000 } if (Math.abs(hour.value - new_hour) >= 2.0/60.0) { hour.value = (mjd_slider.value - date_part) * 24 } """, ) self.sliders["mjd"].js_on_change("value", match_night_and_hour_to_mjd_callback) self.visible_slider_names.append("night_date") self.visible_slider_names.append("hour")
def _create_js_update_func(self, data_source): """Set the javascript update functions for each slider Parameters ---------- data_source : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` The bokeh data source to update. """ update_func = bokeh.models.CustomJS( args=dict( data_source=data_source, center_alt_slider={"value": 90}, center_az_slider={"value": 0}, mjd_slider=self.sliders["mjd"],, lon=self.location.lon.deg, ), code=self.update_js, ) self.update_functions.append(update_func) return update_func
[docs] def set_js_update_func(self, data_source): """Set the javascript update functions for each slider Parameters ---------- data_source : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` The bokeh data source to update. """ update_func = self._create_js_update_func(data_source) self.force_update_time.js_on_change("text", update_func) for proj_slider_key in self.proj_slider_keys: try: self.sliders[proj_slider_key].js_on_change("value", update_func) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def set_emit_update_func(self, data_source): """Set a javascript update functions for each slider to do nothing Parameters ---------- data_source : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` The bokeh data source to update. """ update_func = bokeh.models.CustomJS( args={"data_source": data_source}, code="data_source.change.emit()", ) self.force_update_time.js_on_change("text", update_func) for proj_slider_key in self.proj_slider_keys: try: self.sliders[proj_slider_key].js_on_change("value", update_func) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def show(self): """Show the map using bokeh only.""" self.notebook_handle =, notebook_handle=True) self.update()
[docs] def notebook_display(self): """Use panel to show the figure in within a notebook.""" display(self.viewable) self.update()
[docs] def add_healpix( self, data, cmap=None, nside=16, bound_step=1, ds_name="hpix_ds", name="hpix_renderer", ): """Add healpix values to the map Parameters ---------- data : `numpy.ndarray` Healpixel values (RING pixel ordering) cmap : `dict`, optional With the following keys: ``"field"`` The field to map to color (`str`) ``"transform"`` The transform from value to color (`bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper`) by default None nside : `int`, optional Healpix nside to use for display, by default 16 bound_step : `int`, optional number of boundary points for each side of each healpixel, by default 1 ds_name : `str`, optional The bokeh name for the data source, defaults to hpix_ds. name : `str`, optional The bokeh name for the bokeh glyph, defaults ho hpix_glyph. Returns ------- data_sounce : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` The data source with the healpix values and bounds. cmap : `dict` With the following keys: ``"field"`` The field to map to color (`str`) ``"transform"`` The transform from value to color (`bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper`) hp_glyph : `bokeh.models.glyphs.Patches` The bokeh glyphs for the plotted patches. """ if isinstance(data, bokeh.models.DataSource): data_source = data else: data_source = self.make_healpix_data_source(data, nside, bound_step, name=ds_name) self._add_projection_columns(data_source, nside) if cmap is None: cmap = make_zscale_linear_cmap(["value"], cmap_name="hpix_color_transform") self._hpix_cmap = cmap hpgr = self.plot.patches( xs=self.x_col, ys=self.y_col, fill_color=cmap, line_color=cmap, source=data_source, name=name, ) hp_glyph = hpgr.glyph return data_source, cmap, hp_glyph
[docs] def add_hp_hovertool( self, coordinates=True, value="Value", ds_name="hpix_ds", renderer_name="hpix_renderer", extra_data=None, name="hpix_hovertool", ): """Add a hovertool to an existing healpix map Parameters ---------- coordinates : `bool`, optional Show the coordinates in the hovertool, by default True value : `str`, optional Label for the healpix value in the hovertool, by default "Value" ds_name : `str`, optional Bokeh data source name for the healpix map, by default "hpix_ds" (which is the default for add_healpix) renderer_name : `str`, optional Bokeh data source name for the healpix renderer, by default "hpix_renderer", (which is the default for add_healpix). extra_data : `dict`, optional A dictionary of healpix arrays with additional values to be included in the hoverplot. The keys will be the labels for those values. By default None (for no extra data). name : `str`, optional The bokeh name for the hovertool, by default "hpix_hovertool" Returns ------- hovertool: `bokeh.models.Hovertool` The new hovertool instance. """ if extra_data is None: extra_data = {} hpix_datasource =[0] hpix_renderer =[0] shown_hpix_data = dict( shown_hpids = shown_hpix_data["hpid"] tooltips = [("RA", "@center_ra"), ("Decl", "@center_decl")] if coordinates else [] if value is not None: tooltips.append((value, "@value")) for key in extra_data: if re.match(r".*(\ |\.|\@).*", key): warn(f'Not adding {key} to hovertool because "{key}" is not a valid bokeh column name') continue shown_hpix_data[key] = extra_data[key][shown_hpids] tooltips.append((key, f"@{key}")) = shown_hpix_data hover_tool = bokeh.models.HoverTool(renderers=[hpix_renderer], tooltips=tooltips, name=name) return hover_tool
[docs] def add_graticules(self, graticule_kwargs=None, line_kwargs=None): """Add graticules to the map Parameters ---------- graticule_kwargs : dict, optional Keywords to be passed to ``SphereMap.make_graticule_points``, by default {} line_kwargs : dict, optional Keywords to be passed to ``bokeh.plotting.figure.line``, by default {} Returns ------- graticules : ` `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` The bokeh data source with points defining the graticules. """ if graticule_kwargs is None: graticule_kwargs = {} if line_kwargs is None: line_kwargs = {} graticule_points = self._make_graticule_points(**graticule_kwargs) kwargs = deepcopy(self.default_graticule_line_kwargs) kwargs.update(line_kwargs) self.plot.line( x=self.proj_transform("x", graticule_points), y=self.proj_transform("y", graticule_points), source=graticule_points, **kwargs, ) return graticule_points
[docs] def add_horizon_graticules(self, graticule_kwargs=None, line_kwargs=None): """Add graticules to the map Parameters ---------- graticule_kwargs : dict, optional Keywords to be passed to ``SphereMap.make_graticule_points``, by default {} line_kwargs : dict, optional Keywords to be passed to ``bokeh.plotting.figure.line``, by default {} Returns ------- graticules : ` `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` The bokeh data source with points defining the graticules. """ if graticule_kwargs is None: graticule_kwargs = {} if line_kwargs is None: line_kwargs = {} graticule_points = self._make_horizon_graticule_points(**graticule_kwargs) kwargs = deepcopy(self.default_graticule_line_kwargs) kwargs.update(line_kwargs) self.plot.line( x=self.proj_transform("x", graticule_points), y=self.proj_transform("y", graticule_points), source=graticule_points, **kwargs, ) return graticule_points
[docs] def add_circle(self, center_ra, center_decl, circle_kwargs=None, line_kwargs=None): """Draw a circle on the map. Parameters ---------- center_ra : `float` R.A. of the center of the circle (deg.) center_decl : `float` Decl. of the center of the circle (deg.) circle_kwargs : dict, optional Keywords to be passed to ``SphereMap.make_circle_points``, by default {} line_kwargs : dict, optional Keywords to be passed to ``bokeh.plotting.figure.line``, by default {} Returns ------- circle_points : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` The bokeh data source with points defining the circle. """ if circle_kwargs is None: circle_kwargs = {} if line_kwargs is None: line_kwargs = {} if "name" not in line_kwargs: line_kwargs["name"] = "sphere_circle_glyph" circle_points = self._make_circle_points(center_ra, center_decl, **circle_kwargs) self.plot.line( x=self.proj_transform("x", circle_points), y=self.proj_transform("y", circle_points), source=circle_points, **line_kwargs, ) return circle_points
[docs] def add_horizon( self, zd=ALMOST_90, # pylint: disable=C0103 data_source=None, circle_kwargs=None, line_kwargs=None, ): """Add a circle parallel to the horizon. Parameters ---------- zd : int, optional Zenith distance of the circle (deg), by default (almost) 90 data_source : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource`, optional Bokeh data source for points on the circle, None if the should be generated. By default, None circle_kwargs : dict, optional Keywords to be passed to ``SphereMap.make_circle_points``, by default {} line_kwargs : dict, optional Keywords to be passed to ``bokeh.plotting.figure.line``, by default {} Returns ------- circle_points : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` The bokeh data source with points defining the circle. """ if circle_kwargs is None: circle_kwargs = {} if line_kwargs is None: line_kwargs = {} if data_source is None: circle_points = self._make_horizon_circle_points(90, 0, radius=zd, **circle_kwargs) if "mjd" in self.sliders: self.set_emit_update_func(circle_points) else: circle_points = data_source kwargs = deepcopy(self.default_horizon_line_kwargs) kwargs.update(line_kwargs) self.plot.line( x=self.proj_transform("x", circle_points), y=self.proj_transform("y", circle_points), source=circle_points, **kwargs, ) return circle_points
[docs] def add_marker( self, ra=None, # pylint: disable=C0103 decl=None, name="anonymous", glyph_size=5, min_mjd=None, max_mjd=None, data_source=None, circle_kwargs=None, ): """Add one or more circular marker(s) to the map. Parameters ---------- ra : `float` or `Iterable`, optional R.A. of the marker (deg.), by default None decl : `float` or `Iterable`, optional Declination of the marker (deg.), by default None name : `str` or `Iterable` , optional Name for the thing marked, by default "anonymous" glyph_size : `int` or `Iterable`, optional Size of the marker, by default 5 min_mjd : `float` or `Iterable`, optional Earliest time for which to show the marker. max_mjd : `float` or `Iterable`, optional Latest time for which to show the marker. data_source : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource`, optional Data source for the marker, None if a new one is to be generated. By default, None circle_kwargs : dict, optional Keywords to be passed to ``bokeh.plotting.figure.scatter``, by default {} Returns ------- data_source : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` A data source with marker locations, including projected coords. """ if circle_kwargs is None: circle_kwargs = {} if "name" not in circle_kwargs: circle_kwargs["name"] = "circle_glyph" if "marker" not in circle_kwargs: circle_kwargs["marker"] = "circle" if data_source is None: data_source = self._make_marker_data_source(ra, decl, name, glyph_size, min_mjd, max_mjd) self.plot.scatter( x=self.proj_transform("x", data_source), y=self.proj_transform("y", data_source), size="glyph_size", source=data_source, **circle_kwargs, ) return data_source
def _make_patches_data_source(self, patches_data, name=None): """Create a bokeh data source with locations of points on a sphere. All patches must have the same number of vertices. Parameters ---------- patches_data : `pandas.DataFrame` or `dict` Must contain the following columns or keys: ``"ra"`` The Right Ascension in degrees. ``"decl"`` The declination in degrees. name : `str`, optional The name for the bokeh model. Returns ------- data_source : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` A data source with patch coordinates. """ warn( "Create the data source directly with bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource", DeprecationWarning, ) patches_df = pd.DataFrame(patches_data) ra = np.stack(patches_df.ra.values) # pylint: disable=C0103 decl = np.stack(patches_df.decl.values) wide_shape = ra.shape ra = ra.flatten() # pylint: disable=C0103 decl = decl.flatten() data = { "ra": ra.reshape(*wide_shape).tolist(), "decl": decl.reshape(*wide_shape).tolist(), } # Add any additional data provided for column_name in patches_df.columns: if column_name not in data: data[column_name] = patches_df[column_name].to_list() points = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(data=data, name=name) self.connect_controls(points) return points def add_patches( self, patches_data=None, data_source=None, patches_kwargs=None, ): """Add one or more patches to the map. Parameters ---------- patches_data : `pandas.DataSource` Source of data. glyph_size : `int` or `Iterable`, optional Size of the marker, by default 5 min_mjd : `float` or `Iterable`, optional Earliest time for which to show the marker. max_mjd : `float` or `Iterable`, optional Latest time for which to show the marker. data_source : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource`, optional Data source for the marker, None if a new one is to be generated. By default, None patches_kwargs : dict, optional Keywords to be passed to ````, by default {} Returns ------- data_source : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` A data source with marker locations, including projected coords. """ warn( "Use self.plot.patches directly instead", DeprecationWarning, ) if patches_kwargs is None: patches_kwargs = {} if data_source is None: data_source = self._make_patches_data_source(patches_data) self.plot.patches( xs=self.proj_transform("x", data_source), ys=self.proj_transform("y", data_source), source=data_source, **patches_kwargs, ) return data_source
[docs] def add_stars( self, points_data=None, data_source=None, mag_limit_slider=False, star_kwargs=None, ): """Add stars to the map Parameters ---------- points_data : `Iterable` , `dict` , or `pandas.DataFrame` A source of data (anything that can be passed to `pandas.DataFrame`) Must contain the following columns or keys: ``"ra"`` The Right Ascension in degrees. ``"decl"`` The declination in degrees. data_source : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource`, optional The bokeh data source to use (None to generate a new one). By default, None. mag_limit_slider : `bool` , optional Generate a slider limiting the magnitude of stars to plot, by default False star_kwargs : `dict` , optional _description_, by default {} Returns ------- data_source : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` The bokeh data source with points defining star locations. """ if star_kwargs is None: star_kwargs = {} if "name" not in star_kwargs: star_kwargs["name"] = "stars_glyph" self.star_data = pd.DataFrame(points_data) if data_source is None: star_data_source = self._make_points(self.star_data, ds_name="bright_star_ds") else: star_data_source = data_source x=self.proj_transform("x", star_data_source), y=self.proj_transform("y", star_data_source), size="glyph_size", source=star_data_source, **star_kwargs, ) if mag_limit_slider: mag_slider = bokeh.models.Slider( start=0, end=6.5, value=3, step=0.5, title="Magnitude limit for bright stars", name="mag_limit_slider", ) mag_slider.on_change("value", self.limit_stars) self.sliders["mag_limit"] = mag_slider self.visible_slider_names.append("mag_limit") return star_data_source
[docs] def limit_stars(self, attr, old_limit, mag_limit): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Apply a magnitude limit to mapped stars Parameters ---------- attr : `str` Attribute of the slider to use (ignored) old_limit : `float` Old value for the magnitude limit (ignored) mag_limit : `float` Now value for the magnitude limit Note ---- This method is intended to be called as a callback by bokeh. """ star_data = self.star_data.query(f"Vmag < {mag_limit}").copy() star_data.loc[:, "glyph_size"] = ( self.max_star_glyph_size - (self.max_star_glyph_size / mag_limit) * star_data["Vmag"] ) stars = self._make_points(star_data) star_data_source ="bright_star_ds") = dict(
[docs] def add_ecliptic(self, **kwargs): """Map the ecliptic. Returns ------- points : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` The bokeh data source with points on the ecliptic. """ ecliptic_pole = SkyCoord(lon=0 *, lat=90 *, frame="geocentricmeanecliptic").icrs line_kwargs = deepcopy(self.default_ecliptic_line_kwargs) line_kwargs.update(kwargs) points = self.add_circle(ecliptic_pole.ra.deg, ecliptic_pole.dec.deg, line_kwargs=line_kwargs) return points
[docs] def add_galactic_plane(self, **kwargs): """Map the galactic plane Returns ------- points : `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` The bokeh data source with points on the galactic plane. """ galactic_pole = SkyCoord(l=0 *, b=90 *, frame="galactic").icrs line_kwargs = deepcopy(self.default_galactic_plane_line_kwargs) line_kwargs.update(kwargs) points = self.add_circle(galactic_pole.ra.deg, galactic_pole.dec.deg, line_kwargs=line_kwargs) return points
[docs] def decorate(self): """Add graticules, the ecliptic, and galactic plane to the map.""" self.add_graticules() self.add_ecliptic() self.add_galactic_plane()
[docs] def connect_controls(self, data_source): """Connect map controls to a data source so it updates. Parameters ---------- data_source : `Bokeh.models.DataSource` A data source that needs to update automatically in response to changes to the map controls. """
class MovingSphereMap(SphereMap): """Parent class for maps that adjust based controls.""" def connect_controls(self, data_source): """Connect map controls to a data source so it updates. Parameters ---------- data_source : `Bokeh.models.DataSource` A data source that needs to update automatically in response to changes to the map controls. """ if self.x_col in self.set_js_update_func(data_source) else: self.set_emit_update_func(data_source) def make_zscale_linear_cmap(values, field_name="value", palette="Inferno256", cmap_name=None, **kwargs): """Automatic linear scaling for images. Parameters ---------- values : `numpy.array` Values for which to createa scale. field_name : `str` The bokeh column name for which to create a color scale palette : `str` The name of the bokeh palette to use. Returns ------- cmap : `dict` The bokeh `DataSpec` dict to apply the color mapper. """ zscale_interval = astropy.visualization.ZScaleInterval(**kwargs) if np.any(np.isfinite(values)): if len(np.unique(values)) == 1: value = np.nanmax(values) if value == 0.0: scale_limits = [-1.0, 0.1] else: scale_limits = [0.0, value * 1.1] if len(np.unique(values)) == 2: padding = (np.nanmax(values) - np.nanmin(values)) * 0.1 scale_limits = [np.nanmin(values) - padding, np.nanmax(values) + padding] else: scale_limits = zscale_interval.get_limits(values) else: scale_limits = [0, 1] cmap = bokeh.transform.linear_cmap(field_name, palette, scale_limits[0], scale_limits[1]) cmap["transform"].name = cmap_name return cmap def split_healpix_by_resolution(hp_map, nside_low=8, nside_high=None): """Split a healpix map into two at different resolutions. Parameters ---------- hp_map : `numpy.ndarray` The original healpix map values. nside_low : `int` The healpix nside for the low-resolution map nside_high : `int` THe healpix nside for the high-resolution map Returns ------- hp_map_high : `numpy.ndarray` or `healsparse.HealSparseMap` The high resolution healpixels. If an `ndarray`, other values have a value of `healpy.UNSEEN`. hp_map_low : `numpy.ndarray` or `healsparse.HealSparseMap` The low resolution healpixels. If an `ndarray`, other values have a value of `healpy.UNSEEN`. """ if nside_high is None: nside_high = hp.npix2nside(hp_map.shape[0]) else: hp_map = hp.ud_grade(hp_map, nside_high) hp_map_low = hp.ud_grade(hp_map, nside_low) hp_map_rev = hp.ud_grade(hp_map_low, nside_high) # 1 flags healpixels where the high resolution hpix value can be # completely reconstructed from the low resolution one. In this case, # that means all high resolution pixels within the low resolution # one have the same value. rev_matches_high = np.where(hp_map == hp_map_rev, 1, 0) use_low_low = np.where(hp.ud_grade(rev_matches_high, nside_low) == 1, 1, 0) use_low_high = np.where(hp.ud_grade(use_low_low, nside_high) == 1, 1, 0) try: hp_map_high = healsparse.HealSparseMap( nside_coverage=nside_high, healpix_map=hp.reorder(np.where(use_low_high == 0, hp_map, hp.UNSEEN), r2n=True), ) hp_map_low = healsparse.HealSparseMap( nside_coverage=nside_low, healpix_map=hp.reorder(np.where(use_low_low == 1, hp_map_low, hp.UNSEEN), r2n=True), ) except NameError: hp_map_high = np.where(use_low_high == 0, hp_map, hp.UNSEEN) hp_map_low = np.where(use_low_low == 1, hp_map_low, hp.UNSEEN) return hp_map_high, hp_map_low